Design - Research and Development
Water is the protagonist. Primordial element and bearer of life, is transformed by Newform as a generator of well-being and energy. The meticulous research, the application of new technologies and the desire to give a quid of character make water available in new shapes.
From the first hand-made prototypes till the software-managed processes, the aesthetic and quality innovation hasn't changed: the harmony to which we are inspired is the same that we breathe at Newform among the people who work every day to create something unique and surprising at the same time, setting new ambitious goals and looking at the future with confidence and optimism.

An experience, which has observed since the first creations a particular attention and care in the assortment of a wide range of kitchen and bathroom taps. A variety of shapes, styles and finishes to fit in any environment enriching and embellishing it.
Research is the heart of the company's great success: design as product basis, the most refined materials and environmental-friendly technology create a unique, quality, popular and concrete product.
Aesthetics is a fundamental requirement of the product, care, and attention to details and proportions are the aspects that make the difference. To bring beauty in daily life, in everyday life, is almost an obligation for Newform, to provide a product that is not only functional but that represents the way we are.