Positive feedback beyond expectations | Salone del Mobile 2024

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The Newform chapter about Salone del Mobile 2024 ends with positive feedback that exceeds the company’s expectations at the dawn of the event.

The Organic House, the stand designed for this occasion according to the union between Architecture and Nature, saw over 11.000 visitors exploring the place that turned into the stage of the news presented, Ionika and Alkimia.

Step by step, the Newform itinerary presented its main bath and kitchen collections, by highlighting the complete range of products and finishes. A great attention was also paid on coatings, materials and nature, here represented by an important surrounding of herbaceous and ornamental plants that contributed to create a suggestive and exclusive environment.

Thanks to this edition of Salone del Mobile, Newform gained the enthusiasm, the positive feedback, the sense of innovation and evolution from all visitors and who deals with the Company every day.

Filled with satisfaction, Newform is ready to turn this success into the key of the next strategies and futures steps towards more ambitious projects.

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